Earn 40% Selling Digital Mittleider Gardening Books – NO cost and NO inventory!
Do you have a website, a Blog, a Squidoo lens? Are you on Myspace or Youtube? Or do you have an email list of friends and family??
Join over 100,000 other people selling digital products online using Clickbank and earn 40% while helping the Non-Profit Food for Everyone Foundation teach family gardening around the world!
Step 1 – Sign up for a Clickbank account using this link http://www.howtoorganicgarden.com/new_page_9.htm
When you sign up you will create a nickname/id
Step 2 – Looking at Example 1 and 2 below – Replace the word “Steveffeo” with your Clickbank id/nickname.
Step 3 – Add this code to your Website, Blog, Squidoo lens, Myspace, Youtube, or send it to your email list and earn 40% of every sale.
The process is 100% automated by Clickbank. They handle all payments to you directly!
It is literally that easy! Just replace Steveffeo with your Clickbank id and you are making money.
You can use the code on a website, Squidoo lens, blog or via email to your friends, family or email list.
If you want to use the link in an email use option 1 for proper formatting..
Example 1
Example 2
target=”_top”>Click Here!
You can replace “Click here” with any marketing tag lines. We will be providing options in the very near future. For the time being we suggest using “Buy the Food for Everyone Foundation Gardening books – click here”
To see an example of both please check out our main Squidoo lens.
If you look at the bottom of the description (the first block of text) you will see examples of both.
To dress up your pages, and make them look like ours, you can use any of the images on either of our websites. Simply mention where it came from.
But what if I do not have a web page?
Great news! You can create a Squidoo lens free of charge and earn money, AND help the Foundation at the same time.
To create a FREE Squidoo lens and earn 40% please use the link below. This will automatically join you to the main Foundation group. I will approve all lenses that have five sections or more. Squidoo will not publish an empty lens, so please have fun with building a lens.
Tell the world about your gardening success and your opinions about the Foundation’s method of gardening.
Best of success! We look forward to having you join us.
Jim Kennard, President
Food For Everyone Foundation